Women's Polo Link is a company that was founded to bring women in the polo world together. The client wanted a unique branding and identity to break this market and have an impact that would separate them selves from the rest.
Curently we have just completed the first phase of this project which was to create the rebranding, such as the logo and the color scheme for the overall look and feel. There is also a holding page that we developed to get a buzz going and collect potential customers and investors. In the second phase it will become a full fledged site with all the functionalities that are necessary to get the client's vision become a reality.
When the site launches with all it's features we expect it will have a huge impact in the world of women's polo. The whole idea behind the site is still under wraps but there are some great things to come.
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Grunt, Wordpress, Bourbon + Neat responsive grid, CSS3 transitions, Fully responsive, Font awesome, Mail chimp.